Friday, July 29, 2011

Arrival at last!

We're finally here! The United Voices of Edmonton have arrived in England!

After many people arrived from different locations (Ireland, Holland, Scotland, Denmark, and other parts of England) and one major group arrived from Edmonton to our meeting point at Heathrow airport, we met our kind, humourous, and knowledgeable "courier" David and our coach driver Lee. There was a fair bit of traffic getting to Bath, which allowed us more time to see the beautiful, picturesque countryside of some of the Cotswolds area. The fact that it was a bit drizzly and foggy added to the ambiance of the view from the bus window!

After some time to shake of a bit of jet lag and freshen up at the lovely Bailbrook House Hotel (photo above) we had a group dinner in Bath. There were oo's and ah's as we drove past gorgeous buildings, and arrived at the restaurant which was right in the shadow of Bath Abbey where we will sing tomorrow! The excitement (and perhaps a bit of overtiredness!) was obvious at dinner and we all look forward to a good sleep tonight. Tomorrow - walking tour and our first evensong. All our hard work will finally be realized!

Tammy-Jo Mortensen


  1. Glad to hear that everyone has arrived.
    It should be a great tour. Lots of work and intense singing, but well worth it.
    Have a great time. We will be holding you in our thoughts and prayers.

    ta ta for now.
    Steven Johann

  2. Thanks Steven, please continue following us! We appreciate your thoughts and prayers!!!
