Friday, August 5, 2011

Rainy Day in the Cotswolds

We drove from Oxford to Gloucester by way of the lovely Cotswolds. The word Cotswolds combines the term "cots" -- stone sheep shelters, and "wolds" -- rolling hills. The golden fields of grain and green sheep pastures are defined by distinctive stone fences built from the Oolite limestone that is quarried in the region. Farm and village buildings are also constructed of this limestone.

We stopped to explore two typical market towns -- Burford and Chipping Campden. Both have their origins in the wool trade, but now rely heavily on the tourist trade. There were plenty of small shops, tea rooms, and pubs to provide shelter from the rain.

Our coach driver did an excellent job of maneuvering through the narrow, winding roads to our new hotel outside Gloucester.

Burford Street View
Chipping Campden

Chipping Campden Market Hall
St. James Church, Chipping Campden

Typical stone fence

Laura S.

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